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Which Sylvia Plath poem is quoted containing the line - "Sarcophagus and a face on it"  - answers on a postcard and you may win a prize  


Control your own mind                    Gathering Data . . . . .



Q – A character in Star Trek who represents a God like ability to manipulate perception in time and space and 3 dimensional reality.  Slightly amoral, like the Cosmic Joker, he likes to place the crew in conundrums and puzzles to see how they react.  “Although a fictional creation from the world of “Star Trek: The Next Generation” and “Voyager”, Q as an extension of the continuum to which he belongs – as well as the character of Odo from “Deep Space Nine” and the Great Link of shape shifters – is a metaphor for the Jungian great link of the collective unconscious of all humanity, accessible by, according to those who practice the art, remote viewing or astral projection.  According to the philosophy of remote viewing, the power of psychic projection is an ability all human beings share, but it has been turned off [possibly by devices as David Icke thinks, located in strategic architectural sites, or] because of our reliance upon language and hierarchical logic.” (Birnes (2004) p. 257)


Quezet – Meagan and her son Andre were walking near their home on 3rd January 1979, in Mindalore, Johannesburg, South Africa, when they saw strange lights.  The lights were coming from an egg-shaped craft standing on legs, from this craft 5 – 6 people stepped out and began speaking in a strange accent, yet they looked normal, wearing overalls and beards.  Meagan felt fear and told Andre to run home to his father, then the entities got back in their craft and left.  “Under regression hypnosis it appears that Meagan was lured into the craft but was not given a medical examination as she managed to break free and jump out of the craft before this took place.”  (Spencer (1991) p. 316)  Perhaps understandably, given the memories uncovered by his mother when neither of them knew that she had been inside the craft, Andre is unwilling to undergo regression.


Quintanilla – In January 1963 Blue Book’s director Robert Friend, after trying to disband it was replaced by Major Hector Quintanilla, who tried to do nothing as much as possible, but by 1966 was publicly debunking and ridiculing the 1964 claims of Lonnie Zamora.  However in a classified article for Studies in Intelligence: “There is no doubt that Lonnie Zamora saw an object which left quite an impression on him.  There is not question about his reliability…This is the best documented case on record” (Dolan (2002) p. 274)  Perhaps the Incident at Exeter, New Hampshire on September 3rd  1965 had an affect.  At 2 am Norman Muscarello (18) was travelling home when “he reached Kensington by an open field between two houses and saw an object coming out of the sky directly toward him.  It was as big as or bigger than a house, he said, between eighty and ninety feet in diameter, with brilliant, pulsating red lights around an apparent rim.  It wobbled and floated toward him without a sound.  Muscarello dived in terror into a shallow shoulder off the road, and the object backed off slowly, hovering over the roof of one the houses.” (Dolan (2002) p. 287) Muscarello jumped into the first strangers car he could find and went straight to the police, the police went down and saw it too – patrolmen Eugene Bertrand and David Hunt.  “When an official report reached the Pentagon later in September about the incident in Exeter, an officer in army intelligence was said to turn to a colleague and remark: “I hope it’s one of ours.”… “We believe,” said the Pentagon’s spokesman, “what the people saw that night was stars and planets in unusual formations”.” (Dolan (2002) p. 289)  Bertrand took offence at this slight and complained to the Air Force, which is where Blue Book and Quintanilla comes in. “In late November, Quintanilla sent an undated and unpostmarked letter to Bertrand and Hunt, which explained the Exeter sighting as a high altitude military exercise that occurred between midnight and 2 am (giving the date of September 2, 1965).  He stated the case was still in the process of final evaluation.  Bertrand and Hunt wrote back on November 2, unequivocal about what they saw, and asked for a letter to clear their names.  They received no response and wrote again on December 28.  Finally, on February 9, 1966, the Pentagon wrote to Bertrand and Hunt that the Exeter sighting was unidentified, but that the air force experience in these matters proved “almost conclusively” that UFOs were all either man-made, natural phenomenon, or caused by celestial bodies or meteors.” (ibid, p. 289)


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